Pistachio 2017-07-17T19:37:21+00:00

NUTS. Pistachio

(Pistacia atlántica)

En September of 2017 we plan to start the planting of Pistachio seedbed, Pistachia Atlantic variety. This one is endemic from Morocco and Canary Island. Variety with a big demand how case-graft in big pistachio productors countries.

With the obtention of the first germinations will be in good conditions to value the availavility of this production line and its future development.

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It’s believed that the Pistachio tree is an specie from Siria, where was farmed in the antiquity. From there was expanded for different areas of Minor Asia and Occidental Asia.

The Pistachio tree need similar ambiental conditions how the grape or olive, for that reason it adapted perfectly at our latitudes. However, five years must pass for get the nuts from them. The full productivity is reached at ten years. However this trees has a productive life of 150 years.

The pistachios are rich in monoinsaturated fats, a type of fat necessary for our body to a celular level. For this reason this fat don’t acumulate in our arteries, it helps to improve their state and it reduce the high levels of colesterol in our blood.


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